So here's a question
When you get to the 90 days, is that porn addiction completely finished.
Like you look at a porno and think it's disgusting
Or are you always on the edge? Like if you were shown porn, then the urges are back
And there's a major likelihood that you will relapse
David Reynolds:
90 days is just an arbitrary number.
It’s the number to shoot for because it’s the most time-tested, commonly agreed upon number by which most people will have given up the habit.
So no when you get to 90 days it won’t be finished.
Whether you are still on edge or completely free at 90 days depends on your goals for this journey and frankly, how strongly you follow my advice in coaching.
There are many different ways to do Nofap because the mind can be trained in many different ways. Most people on NoFap aren’t thinking seriously about restructuring their mind so that they experience life differently- it’s just a cool thing that makes them feel better.
There is an undesirable place below the desirable place: always feeling on edge, sexually-frustrated, etc.
The desirable place = above the undesirable place and is free of sexual thought, impulses, feelings
This is not to be confused with happiness, creativity, joy, bliss, etc. The mind is simply free from the reptilian impulse to be ready to mate when there’s no rational reason to be.
Many ancient holy men banished sex from the mind to raise their level of consciousness, helping them to become less animalistic and achieve higher levels of enlightenment.
The mind can be trained to see flesh as flesh, and sex as repulsive. Relapse is impossible when the mind is configured in this way.
In the same way that there is always danger on the earths surface, there is a mental place which is higher than always being on edge. There is a peaceful mental place which is higher than constant sexual frustration and fear of lust.
There are higher places to go where sexuality cannot pull your mind around at all.
Women will be shocked when their superweapon is powerless against you and you will be seen as very different.
Ramana Maharshi was a very famous holy man in the 1950s and if you showed him P he would be truly disgusted because lust comes from the lowest part of the mind which is repulsive to someone who resides at high spiritual heights.
Of course, the mind can also see sexuality as holy and beautiful and not worthy of disgust, and this kind of reverence for sexuality is found in the ancient Chinese ‘Taoist bedroom arts’, but I suppose one of the main purposes of disgust at sexuality is to keep the mind above the animal state, such that it is free from being under the illusion which inevitably makes the body do things (against the will of our rational mind) which is a waste our precious vital energy.